Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Green Truss of the White Salmon

This run kicks ass! It was my second run down the truss ever last Sunday. My first time a little over a month ago I ran everything except Lower Zig Zag (portaged due to wood) and BZ falls which I had heard was could be super brutal. This time however I was with a group of people who make the run often and they ran Lower Zig Zag around the wood and BZ. Being the follower that I tend to be I ran both and had my first no portage run down the Truss. Did not even get my ass kicked. Some pics to follow but here is the video of a couple drops. I don't have everyone's name as our group had something stupid like 13 people and I had only met about 6 of them before Sunday. I do have to say that for 13 people the trip went really smooth with only 1 swim.

So here are some photos that Eric took on his camera.

Eric, on his first time running Big Bro
More to come when I get some time