This run kicks ass! It was my second run down the truss ever last Sunday. My first time a little over a month ago I ran everything except Lower Zig Zag (portaged due to wood) and BZ falls which I had heard was could be super brutal. This time however I was with a group of people who make the run often and they ran Lower Zig Zag around the wood and BZ. Being the follower that I tend to be I ran both and had my first no portage run down the Truss. Did not even get my ass kicked. Some pics to follow but here is the video of a couple drops. I don't have everyone's name as our group had something stupid like 13 people and I had only met about 6 of them before Sunday. I do have to say that for 13 people the trip went really smooth with only 1 swim.
So here are some photos that Eric took on his camera.
Me: Eric, on his first time running Big Bro More to come when I get some time
I forgot to add that the timing of the first drum hit in the song and Eli seemingly whacking his head on Big Brother was brilliant, and the video of...forgot his name...rocking the playboat on double drop was rocking. Watching that guy bust through (at 1:53) is pretty amazing. Good job, broseph.
Nice job on the short! It was good boating with you. See you at Pint Night!
Yeah, man...I gotta say, great job on the vid.
I forgot to add that the timing of the first drum hit in the song and Eli seemingly whacking his head on Big Brother was brilliant, and the video of...forgot his name...rocking the playboat on double drop was rocking. Watching that guy bust through (at 1:53) is pretty amazing. Good job, broseph.
It was Will V. in the playboat, eh?
Anyhow, I'm linking to your blog from my own blog at
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