Thursday, March 20, 2008

Hagen Gorge and the Washougal

Hagen Gorge: This run has been on my list of must do runs since I first read the post on OregonKayaking. Finally the water lined up with a weekend that I was going to be in town and had a crew to run it with. We met up early, which ended up being good because we did the whole NF Washougal run after Hagen and it took a good chunk of the day.
Low water on Hagen and good water on the Washougal made for a fun day and first time down. 1 small swim, a sore shoulder, an almost scary ride in the hole half way down Hagen Daaz Falls, 1 backwards and 1 sideways ride down teakettle, a couple long hole rides on the Washougal and we had done the whole run. After doing it, I would strongly recommend that anyone doing Hagen also does the whole NF run as well. Having never done either before, I felt that if we would have taken out at the upper take out the run would have been really short and missed a lot of fun stuff.

Sorry I could not get youtube to like a higher res version of this, but here is the video anyway. Enjoy!

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