Monday, March 26, 2007

River Search

Getting Started. The name of this site has to do with its contents. Here you will probably find a mix of subjects. The intention is to have a place where I can document recent river trips (or whatever type of trip seems worthy) of mine, or friends. Someplace that can hopefully be a resource for others in the future.

The other part of this site will be a following of the story of my life. I think the name "River Search" also fits this area of the site. I am a Christian in belief. I attended a Christian university, I have been active in leadership roles within churches, my basic principles and the guide of my life, is and has been this belief structure. However, in the recent past I have lived through a challenge in what I believe. I have not lost faith in Christianity and Gods intentions of what it is suppose to be; instead I have run into a crisis of what Christianity has become. I look at the history of the Church and what it has done and I am challenged to see God in much of it. I look at the Church today in America; needless to say I see less and less of what I think the Bible teaches there. I am surely not saying that I have answers and I am not trying to make myself sound all superior, because that is the last thing I am. I am simply saying that I am in the middle of a half-assed search where I am fighting (the desire to give up searching) to find how God wants Christians to interact in American society, with the Bible, and with the rest of the World.

So as to how that fits with the title. In the past I have talked with people who view life as a float down a river. A river is always moving, even when it looks stagnant it is flowing; like life it is always moving forward even when you feel still. Sometimes its and eddy heading back upstream, sometimes its a rapid, a waterfall, a big ass kicking hole, or a meandering float through a beautiful gorge. All of these descriptions feel like they describe a time I have lived through. At all times there is an over powering principle that guides all of the chaos that happens in a river, gravity. I believe that life is somehow like that. Our life goes through these things, and somewhere, somehow a guiding principle, figure, person, ect. is there controlling the overall action of our direction. Take it or leave it, but this is how I see it today.
I hope that the seriousness of this post does not prevent people from returning. I promise that the majority of what you find here will be much more light hearted.

1 comment:

Eric said...


Glad to see that you have started your own blog! Even in its nascent state, the Riversearch is interesting and, more importantly, connected me to you!

Look forward to your future posts,

-The Rok of E